MidiCond is, in a nutshell, a music software to influence the timing of MIDI music files in detail. For example, it is used to accompany live music. Potential users are all who make or use music! MidiCond runs under Windows, MacOS, Linux etc. and costs only € 10,- (see News).
Attention: There is only one single way to acquire a valid MidiCond license, as described on the page Demo, License!
(If you are looking for the freeware page, click here.)
The name component Cond is short for Latin conduco, translating bring together (… the entire musical world with computers) or conduct.
MidiCond allows you to play any piece of music present as a standard MIDI file, adding tempo fluctuations, rubati and grooves precisely as you desire, executed in “real time”. You can save the results as new MIDI files.
Operating a key or a switch in MidiCond works as a conducting stoke: A definite metric position is instantly enforced, e.g. the third beat of the second bar. For batons we use MIDI keyboards (manual or pedal), computer keyboards, and switches, combined freely.
The various keys allow you to conduct portions of varying metric duration (“time values”), just as a conductor may switch between conducting, say, minims and sixteenth notes, but much more flexibly and without any risk of being misunderstood. You can choose freely, which key you want to use for which time value (MidiCond of course supplying a pre-setting). That value is to be understood as the metric distance to the next keystroke. More precise explanations can be read in the large help texts, which are also included in the demo version and serve as a tutorial.
MidiCond has many different use cases, which can roughly be classified as follows:
- Rehearsing for soloists, ensemble members, and ensembles
- Performing in an ensemble, as an accompanist, or solo
- Saving the data of a conducting session as a new standard MIDI file, to listen to or continue to work with.
Whenever you can spare a hand (or even a foot), you may accompany yourself and others! Read more on the page Features.
Anyone making or using any kind of music with any ambition, e.g.
solo singers, choir members, instrumentalists, dancers, makers of films or videos, choirmasters, ensemble leaders, orchestra conductors, repetiteurs, coaches, singing teachers, instrument teachers, dance teachers, choreographers, performers in concert, music theater, cabaret, karaoke, group singing (school, religious community …), students, etc.
—probably you.
Computer literacy on a most elementary level will suffice. Musical competence is not a prerequesite either, but it will, existing at whatever degree (including professional conducting), be advanced and rewarded by MidiCond.
The technical conditions are discussed on the page System.
"I love this program" – "Thank you, thank you, enjoying MidiCond so much. What I am doing with your program is a dream come true." – Andrew Ulyate, 1st trumpet of the Santa Barbara Symphony (1992-2006) and the Long Beach Symphony (1983-2013), member of the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra for the last 21 years, alumni of the Juilliard School in New York City.
Here your comment can be published, including name, title, function, and even photo, whatever you authorize (abridgement and translation will be assumed permitted unless otherwise stated). Thus we may promote one another. There is no shortage of enthusiastic reactions such as “godsent” from music professionals, most of whom, however, are still reluctant to authorize publication. Press reviews beyond mere descriptions are welcome, too, of course. (The journal “Tastenwelt” 01/07 at least produced a quotable title: “Lebendiger Vortrag”, roughly translating “Inspired Musical Execution”).
The selection of quotes will be made with MidiCond in mind, not according to esteem for the authors.